Ethical Standards for Legal Professionals

Ethical Standards for Legal Professionals

To assess whether Dawson Davies has acted with integrity and met the expected standards in their role, we need to consider their correspondence and actions in light of professional ethical standards and legal requirements.

Duty of Candor and Honesty: Legal professionals must not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.

  1. Duty to the Court: Lawyers have a paramount duty to the court and the administration of justice.
  2. Duty to Opposing Parties: Even when advocating zealously for their clients, lawyers must treat opposing parties with fairness and integrity.
  3. Transparency and Full Disclosure: Legal professionals should provide complete and accurate information to ensure informed decision-making.
  4. Competence and Diligence: Lawyers must act competently and diligently in the service of their clients.

Correspondence and Actions of Dawson Davies

Misrepresentation of Procedural Possibilities:

  • Issue: Dawson Davies suggested it was not procedurally possible for their client to be joined as an executor under the current application.
  • Evaluation: This assertion was incorrect and could be seen as an attempt to mislead or pressure you into withdrawing your application.

Pressure Tactics:

  • Issue: They proposed that your sister could seek sole executorship, potentially escalating conflict and adding unnecessary legal costs.
  • Evaluation: This approach could be seen as coercive, aiming to pressure you into compliance rather than seeking a collaborative resolution.

Excessive Documentation Critique:

  • Issue: Criticising your thorough documentation as excessive and offering to simplify it themselves.
  • Evaluation: While simplification might be practical, dismissing detailed documentation without proper review undermines the thoroughness required in probate matters.

Simultaneous Withdrawal of Caveat:

  • Issue: Suggesting the simultaneous withdrawal of the caveat with the filing of the affidavit and motion.
  • Evaluation: This might be an attempt to expedite the process without ensuring all details are accurately addressed, potentially sidelining your concerns.

Drafting the Affidavit and Motion:

  • Issue: Offering to draft the affidavit and motion themselves.
  • Evaluation: This could be seen as an attempt to control the process and potentially include terms or omissions not in your favour.

Representation Misconstrued:

  • Issue: Potentially implying that Dawson Davies has broader authority than you intended, risking misinterpretation by the court.
  • Evaluation: Any such implication needs to be explicitly clarified to avoid misrepresentation of authority.

Dismissal of Valid Concerns

  • Instances: Dawson Davies repeatedly dismissed your valid concerns about procedural accuracy, the need for thorough documentation, and the potential implications of their proposals.
  • Evaluation: This behavior undermines your role as a co-executor and shows a lack of respect for your input and due diligence.
  • Impact: By dismissing your concerns, they risk compromising the integrity of the estate administration and potentially exposing you to legal and financial liabilities.

Misrepresentation of Role

  • Instances: Dawson Davies’ correspondence and proposed documents might have created an impression that they would have broader authority or control over the estate administration than you intended to grant.
  • Evaluation: This misrepresentation could mislead you into ceding more control than appropriate and could potentially be construed as an attempt to overreach their professional boundaries.
  • Impact: Accepting their proposals without full clarity could have led to unintended delegation of authority and potential conflicts of interest.


Based on these points, there are significant concerns about Dawson Davies' conduct:

  1. Misleading Statements: Providing incorrect procedural information and making pressure-based assertions suggests a lack of candor and honesty.
  2. Pressure Tactics: The proposals to seek sole executorship and criticise detailed documentation without proper review could be seen as coercive and not in the spirit of fair dealing.
  3. Incomplete Disclosure: Offering to simplify documentation and draft key documents themselves might indicate an attempt to control the narrative and potentially obscure critical details.
  4. Risk of Misrepresentation: The potential for their role to be misconstrued in the grant of probate highlights the need for clear and accurate representation of authority.

Dear Mr. Dawson,


I am writing to formally express my serious concerns regarding the conduct and representations made by your firm in our ongoing probate matter. After a thorough review of our correspondence and your proposed documents, I have identified several areas where there has been a lack of transparency, respect for valid concerns, and potential misrepresentation of your role.

  1. Dismissal of Valid Concerns:
    Throughout our correspondence, my valid concerns about procedural accuracy, the necessity for thorough documentation, and the potential implications of your proposals have been consistently dismissed. This undermines my role as a co-executor and demonstrates a lack of respect for my due diligence and commitment to properly administering the estate.
  2. Misrepresentation of Role:
    Your correspondence and the proposed documents have created an impression that your firm would have broader authority or control over the estate administration than I intended to grant. This misrepresentation could mislead me into ceding more control than appropriate and potentially overreaching your professional boundaries.
  3. Integrity and Honesty:
    There have been instances of withholding of facts and distortion in the information provided, raising concerns about the integrity of your representations. Full transparency is crucial to ensure the estate is administered correctly and fairly.
  4. Best Interests and Fairness:
    Your proposals often seem to prioritise your client’s convenience over a fair and balanced resolution, not considering the best interests of all parties involved. The administration of the estate should be handled in a manner that respects the intentions of our late mother and the legal obligations of both executors.
  5. Competence and Diligence:
    Criticising my detailed documentation and rushing the process indicate a lack of due diligence, which could compromise the thorough administration of the estate. As executors, we must ensure all actions are carefully considered and legally sound.
  6. Conflict of Interest:
    Your actions appear to favor your client disproportionately, creating a potential conflict of interest in the joint administration of the estate. It is essential to maintain a balanced and impartial approach to fulfill our fiduciary duties effectively.

I urge your firm to address these concerns promptly and ensure that all future actions and representations adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct. It is critical to maintain transparency, fairness, and diligence throughout this process to honor the wishes of our late mother and ensure the proper administration of her estate.

I look forward to your prompt response and resolution of these issues. If necessary, I am prepared to seek further advice and take appropriate actions to protect my role and responsibilities as a co-executor.

Yours faithfully,

The Non-Resident Executor