Coming soon ...

A first-hand account of being a non-resident executor to the estate of my recently deceased mother back in Perth. What should have been a straight-forward and simple process has been unnecessarily complicated by surviving family and the outdated and prejudice laws of the Western Australia.

Coming soon ...
Rottnest Island

This is Probate in Western Australia - A Non-Resident's Guide, by the Non-Resident Executor. A first-hand account of being a non-resident executor to the estate of my recently deceased mother back in Perth. What should have been a relatively straight-forward and simple process has been unnecessarily complicated by surviving family and the outdated and prejudice laws of the Western Australia, the antiquated ceremonies and legal procedures of the Supreme Court all owing to the fact that I escaped Perth at the first opportunity, deciding to make something more of myself and if not, then to experience more than an isolated existence in Perth could ever offer me.

The process for me has only just begun but given the amount of time and effort that I've had to expend on researching the legislation, and the legal processes and procedures involved just to apply for a grant of probate - I thought that I'd share my experience, along with the copious notes and other useful information I've gathered in the hope that it might benefit someone else who finds themselves in a similar situation. Obviously, it would be great if the state took heed of my account and took efforts to modernise their ways and remove the prejudice from the laws. But I'm not going to hold my breath for that given some of the hurdles I'm facing predate the Administration Act (WA) 1903.

Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive periodic emails of my experience as it unfolds.